Home Garden

Solarium Benefits

A sunspace, as it is commonly called today, is also known as a sunroom, sun porch, solarium, conservatory or greenhouse, and offers several advantages to modern homeowners. For people living in winter areas who crave sunlight, a solarium offers a lighted refuge in a dark home and the feel of outdoors without stepping outside. Technological advances add greater efficiency to modern solariums, such as insulated shading, which reduces heat loss at night, and are motorized and connected to sun sensor controls. Hermetic shielding against vapor and air penetration keeps them at peak efficiency.
  1. Passive Solar Heating

    • A solarium takes advantage of your home's orientation when it is built facing south. Natural sunlight in winter warms the sunroom during the day, and as the heat dissipates during the evening, it helps warm the rest of the house. Even if you are unable to build your sunspace facing true south, going 45-degrees southeast or southwest will only cause 20% loss of winter sunshine. In summertime, reflective shading and draperies over windows and doors help deflect sunlight to keep the room cooler.

    Year Round Gardening

    • Green thumbs can use their solarium for the dual purpose of collecting solar heat and growing potted plants. A sunspace has all the advantages of a greenhouse mixed with the comforts of home. Since it is attached, it can be decorated like any other room in the house, a place where the whole family can be comfortable. Curved window glass offered by a solarium increases the beauty of your home and, along with overhead windowpanes, gives an unobstructed view to the outside.

    Increased Property Value

    • Pre-engineered sunspace kits simplify the process of adding on. While it may be necessary to consult a contractor or builder, a kit will help keep your investment in line with your budget, design considerations and taste. Styles that will increase home value include 2-story variations, as well as Victorian, Edwardian and various cathedral designs. Functionality and economic considerations of a solarium over the long run make sense for homeowners looking for sensible add-ons, especially those who live in cold climates and are able to use the sunshine to its full advantage.