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What Is the Meaning of Investments?

An investment is a contribution---of time, money or other resources---in the hope of earning a benefit in return. Equity investments usually involve buying an asset, such as a home, in the hope that the value of the asset will increase.
  1. Function

    • Investing is among the primary ways individuals build wealth. Holding money does not increase the value of the money or earn a return. Investing money in an asset that may potentially increase in value over time uses uses money to generate more money.


    • Common types of investments include real estate purchases, improvements to homes and other property, and the purchase of stocks, mutual funds or other securities.


    • Common improvements that might increase the value of a home include updates to the kitchen or bathrooms, the addition of rooms, deck or a garage, and the paving of a driveway.


    • Almost anything that requires expenditure to gain something in the future may be considered an investment. For instance, going out to lunch with your boss once a week might is an investment if you do it because you think it will increase the chances of getting a promotion.