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Cedar Grove, New Jersey Pool Building Regulations

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 300 children under the age of 5 drown in pool and spas every year. Another 3,000 children visit emergency rooms because of water related injuries. Most drowning victims under the age of 5 die in home pools. Building codes provide minimum requirements that help ensure that pools are safe.
  1. Permit

    • A permit is needed before you can build a private swimming pool in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. The building inspector can issue a permit for the construction or installation of a private pool if the application complies with regulations and has been approved by the Department of Health. In addition, the pool must be totally above ground. If the pool complies with regulations and has been approved by the Department of Health but is not totally above ground, the building inspector has five days to file the application with the Planning Board so they can review requirements for drainage and landscaping. The Planning Board has to act on the application within 45 days from the time it receives it. If the Planning Board fails to act in that time period, the application is considered to be approved by the Planning Board.


    • A fence not less than 48 inches high, and with openings no greater than six inches, must completely enclose every private swimming pool. The fence must have at least one gate, and the gate must be securely locked whenever the pool isn't in use. If possible, the fence should be at least three feet from the edge of the pool.


    • Artificial lights installed at the pool can't be operated in a way that annoys or is a nuisance to neighboring properties.


    • Material used to construct private swimming pools must be waterproof and easy to clean. The bottom and the sides of the pool must be white or a light color. Aluminum paint can't be used as a finish, and sand or earth bottoms aren't allowed.


    • Private swimming pools must have a two-inch diameter galvanized-iron pipe or drain extending from the pool to a brook or storm sewer, and it must be approved by the township engineer.


    • All supply lines installed to service swimming pools must have a separate and independent meter installed at the owner's expense. The meter will be furnished by the township and approved by the municipal engineer.

    Water Supply

    • Physical connections between public or private drinking water systems and the recirculating or heating system of a pool must be installed and operated in a way that doesn't allow pool water to be discharged or siphoned into the drinking water system.


    • Violations of the code are punished by a fine not exceeding $2,000 or by imprisonment for a period of 90 days or less, or by both. Each day during which a violation occurs is considered a separate offense.