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How to Add a Storage Shed to an Existing Building

Adding a storage shed to an existing building can free up significant amounts of space and dramatically increase usability. Sheds can be used as storage for regularly accessed supplies, such as garden tools, or for items that are rarely needed but are too important to dispose of, such as tax records or boxes of keepsakes. Because there are so many options available for a property owner seeking to install a shed, much of the process involves identifying your needs and narrowing down your choices.


    • 1

      Research local building codes as well as any relevant community or homeowner association covenants and restrictions to find out if you are even allowed to install a shed on your property. Many jurisdictions allow construction without a permit as long as the shed stays under a certain size, while others may take a more hands-on approach. Codes, covenants or restrictions may limit your options or require you to go about design and construction in a certain way.

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      Select a site for the shed that is in compliance with any relevant codes, covenants and restrictions. Keep in mind the shed's distance from the main building (where most materials to be stored will be coming from) and where stored materials will need to go (e.g., garden, vehicles for transport off site).

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      Measure how much space you have available in your selected location.

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      Determine what needs the shed is intended to fill. Is it for storing items that are accessed frequently, rarely, or both? Will you need to access the shed at night, or only during daytime?

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      List both essential and nonessential (but desirable) features that your shed should include, such as shelves, an access ramp, double doors, locks, ventilation and electricity.

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      Decide how weatherproof the shed needs to be, based on your climate and the nature of the objects to be stored.

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      Decide how you want your shed to look. Is its appearance important to you or do you just want something functional?

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      Make a budget to limit the maximum you are willing to spend on the shed.

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      Compare your different construction options, including a premade shed, a prefabricated shed to be assembled on site (by you or a contractor), a custom-made contractor-built shed and a shed built by yourself. Remember to take into account cost, convenience and the availability of your desired features.

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      Settle on a construction method and design. You are ready to add your shed.