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The Advantages of Steam Rooms & Saunas

Steam rooms and saunas date to ancient Greece. The Romans adopted the use of steam rooms, known as sudatroriums, and the practice of engulfing the body in high temperatures spread throughout Russia and Turkey, according to the Day Spa Association. While steam rooms and saunas are known for their relaxation benefits, these rooms also feature other advantages.
  1. Increases Circulation

    • The high temperatures in a steam room and sauna cause the body to regulate internal temperatures through sweating. When the air around the skin becomes hotter than the internal body temperature, the skin begins to produce perspiration. This heat causes the blood to circulate throughout the skin and muscles, which can help relieve muscle tension and remove bodily wastes.

    Clears Sinus Congestion

    • The moisture in steam increases the body's temperature and causes it to sweat. The high moisture within a steam room can help clear sinus congestion and help relieve respiratory ailments associated with bronchitis, allergies and asthma, according to World Fitness. On the other hand, the dry heat produced by saunas may aggravate these symptoms.

    Provides Pain Relief

    • When the application of heat is necessary to alleviate pain, the use of a steam room or sauna may help provide relief. The temperature within a steam room can reach 116 degrees F, while a sauna approaches 212 degrees. Due to a sauna's dry heat, the temperature can be much higher than a steam room. By resting in a steam room or sauna, the heat can provide relief from muscle and joint pain; however, only use this form of therapy at the discretion of your physician.