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How to Find a Home in Watertown, New York

Watertown, New York, is located in Jefferson county in the northern portion in the middle of New York state. It is a small town of around 26,000 people that gets its name from the numerous waterfalls that occur along the Black River, which cuts through the town. Pioneers from New Hampshire founded the town in the beginning of the 19th century. Nowadays the town has several public schools, a zoo, a cider mill and a fresh environment that exists side by side with nature. These reasons make it an ideal place to find a home.


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      Make a list of your ideal home in Watertown. Write down if it would be an apartment, condo, one or two family house. Be specific with the details and write down how many bedrooms you require, how many bathrooms, square footage and how much quiet or sunlight you need.

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      Write down your budget. Consider what kind of money you can put down as a down payment and what you can afford monthly. Be realistic.

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      Write down your ideal location within the town of Watertown. Even if you've never visited, decide if you'd rather be in the center of town or out in the suburbs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Write down the type of amenities you'd like to have in your neighborhood. For example, you might want to live near a public park, or coffee house or not want to see your neighbors. Think carefully and be very specific.

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      Examine websites that have listings for the Watertown area and surrounding region. Visit websites such as "Thousand Islands Real Estate" and "Doris Olin Real Estate."

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      Contact realty companies in and near Watertown. For example, contact the United Realty Management Corporation, Sears Realty and Conifer Realty among many others. Ask if they have anything available in your price range.

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      Visit websites such as the realty section of the New York Times online and the official Watertown website, which has a real estate section. Other websites that have Watertown listings are "Realtor Online" and "Exit More Real Estate."

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      Contact realty companies that have offices in Watertown, New York, such as Century 21 Millennium Realty, Condino Realty and the United Realty Management Corporation.

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      Contact realty companies that have offices in towns surrounding Watertown that are just a short drive away. For example, contact companies such as Lake Ontario Realty in Dexter, New York and Sear Realty Company in Henderson, New York and Conifer Realty in Carthage, New York and Kortenaer Realty in Boonville, New York. These companies are bound to have listings for Watertown as well.