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How to Pour Large Concrete

If you are adding a room onto your home, building a pool house or pouring a concrete driveway, you will need several supplies and at least three other people to assist. Concrete must be formed while being poured and finished before it hardens. This means that for large concrete pours, the more hands the better, so long as people don't start bumping into one another. Though actually pouring concrete is not difficult, setting the forms properly and using the tools requires some experience working with concrete.

Things You'll Need

  • Screed
  • Bull floats
  • Rebar
  • Trowels and scores
  • Power trowel
  • Plywood
  • 2-by-4-inch framing lumber
  • 2-by-2-inch studs
  • Circular saw
  • Laser level
  • Hammer and nails
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    • 1

      Set the frame or forms. Measure the length and width of the area where you wish to pour concrete. Cut 2-by-4-inch lumber to make an exterior frame for the concrete slab. Set the forms or lumber frames onto the ground, connecting each corner and along the sides with 2-by-2-inch studs with a hammer and nails. The studs will be attached perpendicular to the forms and hammered into the ground to hold the forms in place. Use a laser level to make sure the framing is straight and level.

    • 2

      Shovel a 1-inch deep layer of sand inside the lumber frame and put down a section of rebar equal to the size of the inside of the forms. You may use rebar chairs to raise the rebar for better reinforcement of the concrete slab.

    • 3

      Position each person around the outside of the forms with screed and bull floats ready to go. As the concrete mud is poured into the lumber frame, have two people begin spreading it with concrete pulls to fill the framing completely, away from the concrete truck's chute.

    • 4

      Pull the screed over the concrete mix immediately after the framing is filled up. This will help even out the surface and make the concrete mix begin to settle between the forms. Once the entire surface has been run over with the screed, bull float the concrete to smooth it. Have two people run a bull float from each side, beginning by the home's exterior and working away from it.

    • 5

      Form the edges with scores or trowels after the surface has been bull floated a couple of times. Use this opportunity to make the edges smart and even. Use a power trowel over the inside surface to add the finishing touches. Stand on plywood to disperse the power trowel operator's weight so not to damage the pour.