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How to Add a Room to Park Model Trailer

Many park model trailer owners decide to hire professional builders when adding a room, but a good handyman can do the work without them much of the time. Adding a room to a trailer is not an easy task and requires solid knowledge of construction to do the job right. From turning a storage shed into a spare bedroom or building an outdoor living room and porch lounge, park model trailer owners have many options when it comes to adding a room.

Things You'll Need

  • Building plans
  • Timber
  • Window glass or screens
  • Construction tools
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      Decide what type of room you want to add to the trailer. The materials and plans needed vary depending on what type of room is being added. Sun rooms, patio rooms and Arizona/Florida rooms remain three of the most popular options, and each requires a slightly different plan.

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      Check with your local zoning board to make sure you have approval to start construction. Some areas might contain restrictions on what can be built, while other areas might allow construction only after paying for the right licenses and permits. Construction should never start without these documents and without permission from the lot owner, if applicable.

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      Decide on the foundation. Some people refer to have a solid concrete foundation for any added room, while others like to go with wood. The best choice can depend on the type of room being built since a screened outdoor porch can easily handle a wood base whereas a guest bedroom requires something more substantial.

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      Find detailed construction plans that fit the room you plan on building. Especially if you're doing this solo and not hiring professionals, it's important that the plans used are exactly what you're planning to build or as close as possible. Shooting from the hip with construction almost guarantees trouble.

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      Think about which steps of the building process could give you the most problems. Buy extra materials in case of screw ups. This is especially important if you mis-cut some wood for the frame or come up short on creating a concrete base.

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      Follow the instructions to the letter. If you have friends who are construction savvy, get them to help you and try to do the entire project in one sitting if possible. This will prevent bad weather from hitting the construction when it's only half done and help to ensure that everything sets the way it's supposed to, or that you have the maximum help to fix anything that does go wrong.