Home Garden

Benefits of Sunroom Features

A sunroom is an extension of your home that uses a large number of windows to create an outdoor-like atmosphere. The sunroom uses heat and light of the sun to enhance an enjoyable atmosphere. You can enjoy the outdoors while you maintain the comforts of the indoors. You get several benefits if you add a sunroom to your home.
  1. Allergy Prevention

    • For people who have allergies when summer comes, the sunroom can help them enjoy the outdoors. The sunroom allows you to stay in an enclosed environment yet observe the outside world. Use a room with large glass windows that go all around to maximize your view. You can also use a transparent material for your roof, or install skylights to enjoy the night sky from indoors.

    Extra Space

    • Sunrooms add real space and the perception of space to your home. Sunrooms do add more space to your home. In general, you use this space with some patio furniture so you can enjoy your room. It is not meant for storage. The other benefit is that since sun rooms are open rooms with big windows, they can help create the perception that you have more space in your home. The large windows also allow in more sunlight, which allows more natural light into your home.

    All-Season Enjoyment

    • If your sunroom has proper insulation, you can enjoy the seasons even if the weather will not allow you to go outside. If a fall day starts to turn cold and windy, you can still enjoy the fall colors from your room. In the spring you can have a front row seat for a thunderstorm and stay safe. The sunroom allows you to appreciate the seasons as they change while you stay comfortable.


    • A sunroom addition can add equity to your home. A good sunroom can allow you to have a higher resale value on your home if you choose to move. The room can give you a 99 percent return if you sell your home, which means that you will almost get your entire amount of money spent on the project back in the resale price. The value of a sunroom does not depreciate much. When you consider that a sunroom can cost tens of thousands of dollars, the fact that you get your money back can make it a good investment.