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How to Get Contractor Bids

When you decide to renovate or add rooms to your house, compare bids from multiple contractors to establish a reasonable cost for the required work. To get bids for your project, research available local companies and those in nearby towns to find a contractor. Prevent delays caused by the need for clarifications by clearly communicating what work you expect bids to include. Request written bids for evaluation purposes and provide adequate time for all companies to submit a response.

Things You'll Need

  • Project specifications
  • Work timeline
  • Budget amount
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    • 1

      Gather relevant details about your project and create a handout for bidders. Misunderstandings or incomplete information on what the project encompasses reduce the number of bids received or result in bids for work other than what you want. Know the specific tasks you want accomplished and any alternative solutions you would consider. Include the areas of work and any required date for work completion as part of the handout.

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      Use your network of friends and business associates to build a list of possible contractors. If preparing to sell a house, ask the real estate agent for names of contractors used for recent work or for insurance-funded repairs, request agent recommendations on contractors. Review online resources for ratings of companies in your local area and surrounding towns.

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      Rank your list of possible contractors based on references and request the top five visit the area of work. Remove any company unavailable to visit within a week, as companies with no time for viewing the work may not be able to provide timely or accurate bids. Contact additional sources until three or more commit to a site visit.

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      Inform bidders what work you are looking for, provide the handout and entertain any suggestions on changes. Remain flexible on performance period, if possible, to encourage bids. Restrict work to a specific period of time only when absolutely necessary in order to meet more contractors' open periods for work.

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      Discuss payment options and provide assurance the project will be awarded if reasonable bids are received. Establish a date for bid receipt considering the contractors' current work schedules. Offer to accept the quote electronically, by fax or pick it up from the bidder to reduce impact to their work schedule.

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      Contact construction trade agencies for assistance if no bidders respond to your initial solicitation. Post job advertisements on websites such as Building Trades Association or The Blue Book Building and Construction Network. Increase vendor awareness of your request for bid by requesting assistance from product and marketing specialists who know the network members the best.