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Alabama Housing in the 1930s

The stock market crash of 1929 set the standard for life in the 1930s. The Great Depression affected everyone in America, especially the already poor people living in Alabama.
  1. Life in the 1930s

    • After the stock market crash, many people lost their jobs. In Alabama, 15 percent of the people who weren't working on farms lost their jobs. The Civil Works Administration stepped in and created many jobs, but people still went back to their family farms to work the land.

    Houses in the 1930s

    • Because of the dismal economy, most of the houses in the 1930s were built strictly for function. They consisted of a main living area, only as many bedrooms as necessary, a kitchen and a bathroom. Closets and other storage areas were also built into the houses to provide a place to keep towels, food and clothing.


    • For the first time, houses were built to handle electrical appliances, such as ovens, ranges and forced air conditioning. A special space, as well as wiring, was set up for a telephone, and extensions were attached to the phone so it could be carried into different rooms of the house.