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Metal Straps to Strengthen a Wall

Metal straps can provide an effective way to reinforce a wall and allow it to better withstand weather or seismic events. Particularly in hurricane- or earthquake-prone areas, installing metal straps can prove a cost-saving – and potentially life-saving – measure. Though metal straps can be installed on walls of any vintage, this process is commonly used on older buildings as a way to retrofit these buildings to withstand events that the structures were not originally made to handle. Historical homes or buildings, for example, commonly benefit from retrofitting with metal straps, as the process can allow these classic structures to withstand more force than the outdated construction methods would've permitted the buildings to handle.
  1. Before Installation

    • Prior to retrofitting walls with metal straps, the building must be inspected to ensure that it's fit to withstand this addition. Mortar and wood framing must be inspected to ensure that the addition of metal straps won’t harm an already weakened structure. If, for example, termite damage is rampant in the home, adding metal straps would create even more holes in the already swiss-cheese-like wooden structure, making the building even less stable than before. Additionally, because adding metal straps to a building requires the drilling of holes into its walls, the utility lines buried deep within the walls must be charted to ensure that they aren’t accidentally hit during installation.

    Strap Installation Process

    • Depending on the size and type of strapping used, straps can be installed in a number of ways. Some metal straps should be installed horizontally only, connecting the studs more securely to each other and improving the overall structural stability of a home. Others are installed vertically and connected to the roof, reducing the likelihood that the roof blows off in inclement weather. The most comprehensive systems call for the creation of a grid with straps moving both vertically and horizontally across the wall, creating a metal skeleton to hold the walls in place despite the forces the walls may face.

    Under or Over Drywall Installation

    • Metal straps can be added to a structure either under or over the drywall. Ideally, metal strapping should be added prior to the hanging of drywall so the straps themselves are not visible. If used to strengthen a weak structure that already has drywall, however, straps can be installed over this material, though doing so will leave you with visible metal straps around which you'll have to plan your décor. Applying metal strapping over drywall is most commonly seen in spaces where aesthetics are secondary, such as basements and garages.


    • The installation of metal straps to a structure is a serious undertaking that's most commonly performed by an industry expert. Because improperly installed metal straps can actually hurt the structural integrity of the building, serious care and consideration is required when completing installation.