Home Garden

How to Move a House From One Location to Another

There are numerous reasons why someone might want to move an existing home to a new location. Often the home itself is beautiful and or of historic significance but situated in an undesirable neighborhood. Other times the house is a longtime family home of considerable sentimental value that the owners simply want moved to a different area. Whatever the rationale, moving a home from one place to another is a big decision, one that can be extremely involved and expensive. However, for those who do so, the risk can certainly be worth the rewards.


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      Determine the practicality of relocating the existing home to a new location. The house will need to be structurally sound to endure the moving process, and it must be able to fit onto a flatbed truck for transport. Ask yourself questions such as: Are there large trees, sheds or other structures nearby that might need to be removed so that the house can be lifted from the foundation? How many miles is it to the new location? Will it be more expensive to move an existing home than it would be to consider purchasing a new home in the desired neighborhood?

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      Set up meetings with companies that specialize in moving homes and arrange for a consultation. You can look in the Yellow Pages for house moving professionals; however it's always best to get recommendations from friends, family or co-workers who may have experience with home relocation. Before making any appointments, be sure to check with the Better Business Bureau to make sure that the company is in good standing within the community. The home relocation professionals will be able to assess the complexity of moving the house, provide you with technical information on removing the home from the foundation and the relocation process.

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      Find out how much it will cost to relocate the house. It is a good idea to get quotes from multiple companies. Aside from the cost of moving the house itself, be sure to factor in the charges for building a foundation for the home at the new location and any permits that will be needed. And don't forget about the added insurance that you'll need, both for uprooting the house and for the transportation of the home to its new location. Depending on the size of the home, the degree of difficulty involved and the number of miles to the new resting place, expect to spend anywhere from a few thousand dollars to six figures on the entire project.

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      Make sure that the house is structurally sound and in good condition. A structural engineer can determine if the home is able to withstand being moved and transported. It is also a good idea to consult with plumbing and heating professionals to figure out the best way to disconnect the current systems for the move. They can also help you to decide if it is better to simply reconnect them after the move or if overhauling an old system with a new one is a better choice. Review all of your options and determine which one is best for your needs.

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      Get ready to move the house to its new location. Sign a contract with a home relocation company, obtain any permits you may need and make sure you have insurance coverage for the home while it is being removed and for the transport phase. If the home relocation company does not handle building a foundation at the new location be sure to hire professionals to take care of this for you well in advance of moving the house. Also, arrange for plumbing, heating and electricity and any other utilities to be connected once the house has arrived at its new destination.