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How to Refinish Antique Hardware

Refinishing antique hardware can be a tedious process but restoring a doorknob or hinge to its original appearance is rewarding. Antique hardware can be made of higher quality metal, and replacing it can be more expensive than refinishing it. If you have lots of hardware to refinish, taking it to a company that will replate it might be a wise decision. Doing the project on your own requires time and patience, but the process itself is simple and straightforward.

Things You'll Need

  • Powdered detergent
  • Liquid fabric softener
  • Soft brush
  • Toothpicks, dental tool
  • Hardware cleaner
  • Lacquer thinner or mineral spirits
  • Sanding sponge
  • Soft cloth
  • Spray primer
  • Spray paint
  • Spray lacquer
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      Remove the hardware from the drawers, doors and windows. Determine what type of soil and wear they have.

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      Put painted hardware in a pot. Add a teaspoon of powdered detergent and a teaspoon of liquid fabric softener. Cover the hardware with water and bring the pot to a low boil. Let the water simmer until the paint loosens. Remove the paint with a soft brush. Use toothpicks or a dental tool to remove the paint.

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      Use a commercial hardware cleaner or soak the hardware in lacquer thinner or mineral spirits to remove varnish or lacquer. Remove the hardware and use a soft cloth to rub the surfaces. Repeat as necessary.

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      Sand the hardware lightly with a sanding sponge. This will help the paint or finish to adhere. Use a soft cloth to wipe off the dust. You do not need to sand if you are not painting.

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      Prime the hardware with a spray primer if you are going to paint it. After the primer has dried, apply two thin coats of spray paint for metal. Let dry between coats then wait a few days before reinstalling the hardware.

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      Buff the hardware to refresh the original finish if you are not painting it. Add a thin coat of spray lacquer to protect the finish. Allow to dry thoroughly before reinstalling the hardware.