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6 Levels of Organizational Change

Organizational change is designed to improve the overall strategy of a company and help departments and employees evolve and develop. Changing a company's philosophy can be tedious and require strategic planning and research. Before implementing any new policies, it's important for employees to understand the changes being made and their new role in the company.
  1. Roles

    • Everyone in an organization or business must have a strong understanding of their role and the part they play in the company. This instills confidence and establishes a chain of command. The proper individuals must be consulted on important decisions and someone must be able to make the final decisions on all matters.

    Remove Obstacles

    • It's important to recognize anyone or any obstacles that are resistant to change. Identify anyone whose job status might be in jeopardy or role will be different when the changes are implemented. Ensure everyone is in line with the vision and take action to remove barriers.


    • Having a vision means being able to see what direction the company is heading and ensuring that technological advances are being incorporated into new policies. Those who have a vision do not accept that status quo and constantly are looking to make changes and evolve into something better. Individuals must also be aware of how changes are going to affect others within a company.


    • Managers and executives must be able to lead other employees and encourage individuals when times are low. Leaders must also champion individuals after having a good idea or completing an important task. The leaders must maintain a positive work atmosphere.


    • As with any business or organization, communication is an important, on-going process that ensures employers and employees are aware and knowledgeable about all situations. Effective communication gives everyone a clear idea of what is occurring in a company and allows individuals to make strong decisions.

    Build on Change

    • As changes begin to occur, it's important to build on changes to prevent regression and ensure that all problems get resolved. It's essential to stay on course, which allows individuals to adjust to the changes being implemented. Continuing to set new goals also allows a company to gain momentum and build on recent success.