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The Disadvantages of Going Green for a Company

While going green can be a worthy endeavor for any company, there are drawbacks to the green movement. Businesses need to look at all sides of an issue when considering going green to determine the end cost of the process. The areas to look at include cost, time and even pollution levels caused by the transition to green.
  1. Cost

    • Cost is a company disadvantage in going green. In some cases, using green products and materials will cost more than using conventional materials. In fact, builders questioned by Building Products magazine revealed cost increases of 10 percent to 19 percent for homes built to green specifications. In addition, any cost savings generated by going green will likely not be seen for years.

    Increased Ozone

    • Company cars that go green using different fuels might also be at a disadvantage. Since emissions are a concern for drivers, various "green" fuels have been created. One of the green fuels is known as "E85," and it reduces the level of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere. While this is a good thing, E85 also tends to produce more ozone than regular gasoline. So the trade-off in going green for a company if it decides to use E85 is deciding whether creating more ozone is worth producing less of other harmful gases.


    • Time is another area where going green can be a disadvantage. A company that goes green needs to spend time researching the best ways to make the transition to green. In addition, the company needs to locate sources of green material and green products and make sure that personnel are properly instructed in the use of the new products.

    Urban Disadvantages

    • A company that switches to solar panels might find that the benefit to the environment comes with its own disadvantages. Solar energy is a terrific way to use renewable energy for a business, but solar panels need large areas in order to be effective. Companies located in cities will be at distinct disadvantages when it comes to placing solar panels in order to be the most useful, since buildings in cities might block the useful rays of the sun. In addition, solar panels can only be used during the day when the weather is sunny, making bad weather a distinct disadvantage to some companies which have gone green.

    Green Production

    • In addition, companies going green need to factor in the cost of actually getting green products. In the case of solar panels, fossil fuels are needed to create the panels. Those same panels also produce excess amounts of mercury and chromium. Installation of the panels uses PVC and glue, both of which are harmful to the environment.