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Eco-Friendly Ideas for the Professional Kitchen

Professional kitchens typically serve large numbers of people on a regular basis, creating significant waste and consuming a great deal of energy. Instituting eco-friendly practices in this type of kitchen can have a considerable positive impact on the environment. If you are in charge of a professional kitchen and interested in taking a more environmentally friendly approach to food preparation, begin by identifying ways to reuse materials, utilize less energy and use natural products when possible.
  1. Start a Recycling Program

    • One of the simplest ways to go green in a professional kitchen is to institute a recycling program. Many counties and cities have recycling laws, so read up on local ordinances and make sure that you are following current requirements. Consult your waste-handling service and see if it has a recycling program that can aid in your efforts. Once you have determined which items can be recycled, hold an information session so employees are aware of what items should be placed in the general garbage and what should be set aside for recycling. Set up clearly marked bins for each type of waste that allow employees to easily identify where all materials should be placed. In addition, make a greater effort to buy items that use recycled content for your kitchen.

    Integrate Energy Efficient Equipment

    • Cutting back on energy consumption is another eco-friendly initiative that can make a difference in a professional kitchen. Energy-efficient appliances and equipment can reduce the amount of energy that your kitchen consumes, providing environmental benefits and cutting your energy bill. However, energy-efficient appliances are often more costly than standard appliances. It is likely not financially feasible to replace all of your appliances with energy-efficient models at once. Instead, replace the items in your kitchen as you can until you eventually convert all of your appliances to energy-efficient options. To identify energy-efficient models, look for products that carry the Energy Star seal, because they are endorsed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency as environmentally sound appliances.

    Use Biodegradable Take-Out Containers

    • For professional kitchens that offer take-out, find eco-friendly containers for takeaway items instead of Styrofoam or plastic containers. Biodegradable options like containers made from sugarcane fiber are effective options. Biodegradable plastics are also available and serve as a green alternative to traditional plastic containers.

    Opt for Natural Cleaning Products

    • Instead of using chemical-based cleaners that are potentially harmful to the environment, consider using natural cleaning products in your professional kitchen. In addition to being harmful to the environment, chemical-based cleaners can cause allergies in some individuals that induce a range of symptoms including headaches, nausea, skin irritations and asthma. Search for cleansers that are certified green products and contain ingredients that are plant and mineral based. These products are biodegradable and nontoxic, so they are environmentally friendly. In addition, avoid single-use cleaning items like paper towels and opt for those that can be reused like cloths and sponges.