Home Garden

DIY: Home Recycling of Waste

Public recycling projects haul away glass, plastic and paper products for homeowners, but plenty of food and water waste gets sent to a landfill or down a pipe. By recycling this and other common waste, you are proactively reducing humankind's negative environmental footprint. If you're dedicated to green living, there are several DIY recycling options for your home. Most DIY household recycling takes just a few minutes, and virtually anybody can reduce waste production and convert existing waste into useful items and materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Composting bin
  • Worms
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      Recycle used water. According to the book "Recycling," 50 to 80 percent of your home's water waste is "gray water." Gray water is any used water that doesn't come from a toilet. Collect gray water from sinks, tubs and other sources to use in your garden, or chemically treat used gray water for use in washing machines.

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      Feed stale food to wildlife rather than throwing these food items in the trash.

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      Begin a composting bin. Food waste placed in a bin will decompose gradually over time. Compost bins tend to smell and take up a lot of space, but you can add worms to your bin to speed up decomposition for a more compact bin with little or no odor.

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      Reuse styrofoam and any types of plastic not accepted by your city's recycling center. Used containers can be washed out and used to pot plants or to store items in your garage.

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      Add crushed eggshells to your garden for soil calcium enrichment, and shred old newspapers to create a weed barrier underneath garden mulch. These two recycling practices cut down on waste and lead to a healthier outdoor garden.