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Scholarships and Grants for Green Training

As businesses worldwide place focus on environmental consciousness and clean energy, the need for workers in the "green-collar" industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Grant-funded programs to train those interested in green-technology jobs have become readily available. In response to President Barack Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, the federal government has allotted funding to state employment centers to train a new workforce dedicated solely to careers in the green-technology industry.
  1. Creating New Jobs: Saving Existing Jobs

    • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allocated millions of dollars in government funding to state and county workforce centers. Recent data from the Blue Green Alliance shows that there were 3,586 graduates of Department of Labor-funded green-job training programs as of Sept. 30, 2010. The Recovery Act's green investments have created or saved nearly 1 million jobs, according to the report.

    Education for At-Risk Job Seekers

    • Additional funding has become available through the 2011 Workforce Investment Act, providing low-income at-risk youth and adults with training to achieve their educational goals. Aside from training and tuition, employment assistance is also emphasized through the program. The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program provides financial assistance through state and county organizations through education, training and outreach. This program seeks to identify local environmental needs and public health issues, and then empower the community through educational opportunities.

    "Pathways Out of Poverty" for Green Jobs

    • In 2010, ARRA authorized an additional $150 million in green-jobs training grants. The "Pathways Out of Poverty" grant supports state and local workforce programs that help disadvantaged populations learn new job skills in the renewable energy industries. U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis states that "Green jobs present tremendous opportunities for people who have the core skills and competencies needed in such well-paying and rapidly-growing industries as energy efficiency and renewable energy."

    Grants for Green Education

    • The Green Jobs Innovation Fund supports opportunities for workers to receive job training in green industry occupations. Universities nationwide hold many viable green career opportunities at the college level. Campus counseling offices have details as to how to apply for green-grant opportunities. U.S. residents who are interested in entering green-job training programs should contact their state or county operated workforce center.