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How to Get Your Organization Ready For The Phase Out of R-22 (HCFC) Refrigerant Gas

The ozone is a protective layer of gases that shields the earth from harmful ultraviolet sunlight. Hydrochloroflourocarbon, commonly known as HCFC, is a commonly used refrigerant. It's also a toxic gas that destroys the ozone layer when it's released into the atmosphere. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency has mandated that HCFC refrigerants be phased out of use so that our homes and businesses can operate in a way that's compatible with the Earth.

Things You'll Need

  • Contact information of licensed air conditioning technician
  • Make and model number of air conditioning equipment
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      Assess your equipment to see if it uses the refrigerant R-22, which contains HCFC. According to the EPA, the best way to do this is to have a professional examine the cooling equipment. Homes and businesses may continue to use cooling equipment that uses R-22; the phase-out period ends in 2020.

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      Make an appointment with a licensed, reliable technician. Explain that you're interested in having your equipment serviced. The EPA states that the technician must have EPA Section 608 certification to maintain equipment containing R-22. The Better Business Bureau offers business rating information free of charge to consumers.

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      Maintain the cooling unit with a licensed technician. The EPA states that maintaining cooling equipment "is the most important thing you can do." It is illegal to intentionally release R-22 into the environment.

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      Modify or upgrade the equipment, if necessary. If you wish to use an alternative refrigerant, you will need to modify your existing equipment or upgrade to new equipment. The most common alternative to R-22 is R-410A, according to the EPA. R-410A does not destroy the ozone.

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      Prepare to upgrade your equipment by 2020. The EPA has given consumers and businesses several years to comply, and production of R-22 is being phased out. The phase-out of R-22 will make it more expensive and should make upgrading to the new coolant less expensive. In the meantime, maintain your existing equipment.