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What Can Old Linoleum Floor be Used for?

Linoleum is a floor covering made from natural ingredients such as linseed oil, wood flour, cork and jute. This durable flooring has a lifespan up to 40 years. When linoleum is removed due to wear patterns or in favor of updated flooring, the old linoleum can go into a variety of other projects.
  1. Features

    • Old linoleum is made in large sheets ranging in gauge or thickness from thin, flexible kitchen flooring to thick, long-lasting battleship flooring. It absorbs impact, cushioning the floor slightly while retaining a hard finish. Linoleum is easy to use, as it can be cut with a special hand tool called a linoleum knife. Its resilient characteristics means the linoleum wears well in traffic areas and molds slightly to irregular surfaces. Old linoleum can be easily cut into smaller pieces for non-flooring purposes.


    • Linocuts are linoleum pieces cut into printmaking designs. Old linoleum is cut into small sections and glued to a plywood or wood block. Trace or draw a simple design on the linoleum and carve away the linoleum around the design. Use knives, gouges or other art tools to create the relief design. Apply ink with rollers, brushes or other printmaking materials and press paper or fabric on the design. This technique makes greeting cards or prints. Linocuts are simple, used in teaching schoolchildren the art of design, but also sophisticated and used by artists such as Matisse and Picasso.


    • Glue or nail old linoleum to workshop tables. Linoleum absorbs hammer dents and screwdriver scratches that would damage workbenches. The linoleum diffuses sound and cushions clocks or other fragile work projects. Alternatively, put linoleum over a craft board such as a 12-by-18-inch utility board. The linoleum cleans more easily than the board after painting projects. It is a resilient surface that absorbs utility knife cuts from stencil cutting or model-making. When the old linoleum wears out, or is too damaged for craft work, replace it with another linoleum piece.


    • Use old linoleum pieces to line under sink cabinets and bottom shelves used for heavy pans or small appliance storage. The linoleum prevents dings and marks on the cabinetry. Tack it as a backboard on garden benches or art desks. The washable linoleum contains dirt and debris that is vacuumed or sponged away. Cut a piece slightly larger than the cat litter box to contain leaks and litter as the linoleum mat can be removed for cleaning. Clean old linoleum with mild detergent or a half cup white vinegar in a gallon of water.