Home Garden

Laying Laminate Flooring Around a Toilet Drain

Laminate is a durable flooring material for any area of the home, including bathrooms. While laminate does not withstand constant moisture, such as in shower floors, with proper installation it resists minor moisture associated with bathroom use. When installing laminate in the bathroom, you must cut the wood planks to fit around the toilet hole. This requires temporarily removing the toilet and transferring the hole dimensions onto the boards as a guide for cutting.

Things You'll Need

  • Wrench
  • Putty knife
  • Rag
  • Flexi-curve strip
  • Pencil
  • Saber saw or table saw
  • Safety glasses
  • Work gloves
  • Finishing nails
  • Hammer
  • Silicone caulk
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      Shut off all water flow to the toilet by locating the valve on the rear wall and turning it counterclockwise. Press the flush lever on the toilet tank to drain out the water from inside it.

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      Examine the rear of the toilet for a tube that connects to the shut off valve. Detach the metal nut at the base of the toilet using a wrench and pull the tube free.

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      Loosen the toilet from the floor by locating and removing the base bolts using the wrench. Grasp the toilet sides tightly and lift the toilet from the floor and set it out of the way. Cover the toilet floor hole by placing a rag into it tightly and then scrape off the wax ring from the hole with a putty knife blade.

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      Install the laminate flooring in the bathroom, working your way up to the point of the toilet hole in the floor.

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      Lay the next laminate board in place so that it overhangs the toilet floor hole. Open a strip of flexi-curve and lay it on top of the laminate plank, positioning it directly on top of the curve of the floor hole. Move the strip back so there is a 3/8-inch gap between it and the opening of the hole. Trace around the edge of the flex curve strip with a pencil.

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      Set the flex curve strip aside and cut along the curved pencil line using a saber saw or a table saw. Wear glasses and work gloves when using power saws.

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      Place the laminate board into place on the floor and check for accuracy. If it fits, nail it to the subfloor using finishing nails, or snap it in place. Repeat the process to cut any additional floorboards to fit around the toilet opening.

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      Apply a 1/8- to 1/4-inch bead of silicone caulk around the inside perimeter of the floor where it meets the hole. Install the floorboards; when they dry, remove the rag and reinstall the toilet.