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How to Make a Lacquer Clear Coat Smooth

Lacquer creates a hard, glossy finish on a wood furniture piece or hardwood floors, providing protection and visual appeal. The application process requires patience and specific protocols to create a smooth finish. Any small bits of dirt or debris caught in the lacquer harden into the finish and leave the surface bumpy. Brushing on too much lacquer is another cause of uneven coating. Gather all of the necessary materials and prepare the surface thoroughly before applying lacquer.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom
  • Vacuum
  • Tack cloth
  • Sandpaper
  • Lacquer
  • Natural-bristle paintbrush
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    • 1

      Clean the surface thoroughly to remove dirt or other chunks that could get stuck in the lacquer and cause bumpiness. For a hardwood floor, sweep or vacuum the surface to remove pieces. For other wood pieces, wipe down the surfaces with a tack cloth.

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      Sand the wood surface slightly before applying the lacquer to help the lacquer adhere better and go on evenly. Wipe away the dust thoroughly before applying lacquer so bits of dust don't get in the finish.

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      Rest the can of lacquer without shaking it, prior to application. Irritating the lacquer through shaking or stirring causes air bubbles to transfer to the surface, leaving behind pits.

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      Apply the lacquer with a natural-bristle paintbrush for the greatest control and best look. Work in small areas as lacquer dries quickly.

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      Dip the paintbrush in the lacquer and drain off excess. Brush lacquer onto a small area, pulling the brush along the grain of the wood. Smooth out the lacquer so you have a thin, even coat. So you don't leave brush marks, avoid going over the area too many times.

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      Watch for stray hairs, dirt or other chunks in the wet lacquer. Pull out the stray debris immediately so it won't dry in.

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      Allow the first thin layer of lacquer to dry. Sand gently with fine-grade sandpaper to roughen it up just enough for the next layer to adhere. Wipe down the surface again to remove the dust.

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      Brush on another thin layer of lacquer, again allowing it to dry fully. Continue adding layers of lacquer with sanding and cleaning in between until you have the desired look.