Home Garden

Can Cabinets Be Placed Over Vinyl Fooring?

Vinyl flooring is strong, available in a variety of colors and designs and installs quickly in kitchens, bathrooms and other areas of your home or business. You can even install freestanding and base cabinets over vinyl flooring as well as portable rolling cabinets. When installing cabinets over the flooring, do not drag them across the material if the cabinets are not on rollers. This action can scratch the vinyl and damage it.
  1. Cautions

    • When placing cabinets on vinyl flooring, solicit help in lifting and putting the cabinets in place. If attaching base cabinets to walls, cover areas of the flooring in front of the cabinets with plastic sheeting, blankets or drop cloths to keep dirt off the vinyl. This also protects the vinyl from scratches due to accidentally dropping tools on the material and other damage.

    Replacing Vinyl Flooring

    • If you plan to replace the vinyl flooring in the room or area you want to place cabinets in, install the new vinyl flooring first so you don’t have to cut and fit the flooring around the cabinets. Installing the flooring after the cabinets are in place is possible but easier when working in a room or area that objects.

    Wooden Shims

    • You can also place wooden shims under the cabinets to level them on the flooring, if needed. Place another wooden shim or a piece of wood between the shim and your hammer to knock the shim in place and keep from damaging the vinyl flooring. Vinyl flooring doesn’t split like hardwood and tile. You can drive a nail or screw through vinyl flooring, if needed, without damaging the material.


    • Install vinyl cove or similar vinyl molding to the bottom of base or immovable cabinets placed on vinyl surfaces. The molding fills in any gaps between the flooring and cabinets. The molding also keeps debris from entering under the cabinets including, dust and dirt. Molding and cabinet installation supplies are available at hardware and home improvement stores as well as stores that sell vinyl flooring.