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Operation Tips for Slow Combustion Wood Heaters

Compared to modern gas fireplaces and other options, wood heaters and fireplaces are not very efficient. Wood takes time to burn, produces a large amount of exhaust and does not create the focused heat of other units. A slow combustion wood heater, found in areas like Australia, is one of the solutions to this problem, as long as it is installed and operated correctly.
  1. Sealing Chimneys

    • Sealing chimneys is a vital part of slow combustion wood heaters. All chimney spaces must be fully blocked off and fire-caulked so that only the single venting pipe is used. This keeps any extra air from entering the system, controlling airflow to expected levels. With seals in place, the heater can show 60 to 70 percent efficiency, very high numbers for a wood burning fireplace.

    Additional Venting

    • A slow combustion fireplace needs additional venting options. It uses a second firebox in order to reclaim heat, drawing in the heat from the exhaust produced and cycling it back into the room safely. To do this it needs it own set of vents, however. Install these vents as required and keep them open and clean, or the fireplace will not operate differently from other wood heaters.

    Long-Term Heating Cycles

    • When using your slow combustion fireplace, prepare to use it for a long period of time. These heaters are designed to be started and then left burning for hours. They are called slow combustion because constricted airflow leads to a slow, hot burn that allows the fireplace to extract and use every bit of heat possible. So light this fireplace, give it time to start up and plan to leave it burning for an extended period of time.

    Fuel Uses

    • A slow combustion fireplace or heater is designed to burn wood. You should only use wood in these systems. Do not try to burn coal, paper or any other materials. These materials can create extra soot that can interfere with the heat reclamation abilities of the fireplace. Seasoned wood is the best fuel, but any type of wood is better than other materials.