Home Garden

Fireplace Stove Ideas

Since you are investing money in having a fireplace, might as well make the most of it, save energy, time and space by combining other uses for it. Work closely with local code officials when designing the fireplace to ensure that it will meet all code requirements.
  1. Pizza Oven

    • Integrate a pizza oven into your fireplace. You have everything that a pizza oven needs in a typical fireplace. You may need to design your fireplace a bit deeper than normal to accommodate the oven depth. You will plan for a built-in shelf near the firebox, most likely on the side of the fireplace. You’ll need to add a standard pizza oven door to enclose the space.


    • You can have a cauldron and metal arm set. The cauldron can be hooked onto the arm and the arm can be hinged so you can easily position it into the firebox. This makes cooking soups or any food that you place into the cauldron easy.

    Indoor Grill

    • If you enjoy grilled food, design your fireplace so it can accept a removable grill. There are simple inexpensive grill racks. You can also invest in a quality wrought iron rack for an upscale look. There are designs that date back to the early 1900s. When you design your firebox, add rocks or other non-combustible support around the fire area creating a fire pit. You can then place the rack across the pit and cook your food as on a normal grill.