Home Garden

State Laws on Wood-Burning Fireplace Use

Homeowners who have a wood burning fireplace should be aware of the laws that apply within their state, or municipality, before activating them. Over the years, numerous states have changed their attitudes about wood-burning fireplaces. State laws now determine when they can be used.
  1. Installation

    • States laws and local ordinances have been created to regulate the installation of wood-burning fireplaces. In Colorado, for example, wood burning fireplaces can only be installed if they meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). All wood burning fireplaces must utilize an EPA Phase II wood burning insert.


    • Areas of Washington state have banned the use of wood-burning fireplaces during the fall and winter months when air quality is low. Those who violate the ban and utilize wood-burning fireplaces anyway will be find a maximum of $1,000. Portions of California, such as the Central Valley, have banned wood burning fireplaces altogether.


    • States have constructed laws to limit, or ban, the use of wood-burning fireplaces to reduce the amount of air pollution. Wood-burning fireplaces release particulate matter and carbon monoxide into the air, which can be damaging to humans.