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How to Fit a Chimney Liner

The act of burning fuel releases certain corrosive elements into the air and thus into your chimney, which can eat away at the chimney structure over time, causing it to degrade. To save your chimney, install a chimney liner. Liners come in rigid and flexible styles, but flexible is far more common since you will have problems installing a rigid liner in a chimney that is anything but perfectly straight. The type of fireplace you have will also play a role in determining which type of liner you need as some require bending to create a proper bottom junction.

Things You'll Need

  • Flexible chimney liner
  • Metal shears or snips
  • Screwdriver
  • Foil backed insulation
  • Foil tape
  • Scissor
  • Spray adhesive
  • Wire mesh
  • Mesh clamps
  • Caulking gun
  • Silicone caulk
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      Inspect your chimney for blockages caused by soot, leaves or any other foreign material that may have made its way in. Remove anything you find and make sure there is a clear path through the chimney from top to bottom. Take the liner out of its packaging and roll out its complete length. Attach the stove or fireplace connector at what will be the bottom end of the liner. Cut the liner to fit your chimney by measuring the distance from where the bottom connector will attach to your heating appliance to the very top of the chimney. Leave about 12 inches extra, and use metal shears or snips to make the cut.

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      Wrap the liner with insulation. Place the foil side toward the liner and start at the bottom bracket, moving your way upward the full length of the liner. Spray the liner exterior with adhesive as you go and fasten the insulation permanently with your foil tape. The easiest way to do this is to cut the insulation into small pieces, each of which wraps around the liner, leaving a bit of overlap. Wrap the entire insulated liner in wire mesh from top to bottom, cutting off the extra and securing the mesh with clamps at the top and bottom and wherever needed throughout.

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      Install the liner from the top down by going onto the roof and tying a rope around the bottom bracket. Toss the other end of the rope down the shaft and have someone pull the liner down the chimney slowly as you feed it in. Try not to let the liner rub the side of the chimney on its way down. Cut off the top of the liner, leaving 4 inches over the chimney top.

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      Caulk the edge of the chimney top around the liner heavily. Place the chimney cover base onto the chimney and set it in the caulk. Screw the cover base into the liner with the supplied sheet metal screws. Install the chimney cover cap onto the base and screw it into place.

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      Attach the liner to your fireplace appliance with the appropriate hardware. Make sure to wrap the junction with insulation and fortify the area with nonflammable building materials or gravel.