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How Long Should I Dry Beech Firewood?

A roaring fire in the fireplace just doesn't happen by chance. It takes careful planning and at least a year's worth of patience. Fresh cut trees are considered green -- or still full of moisture. The water content must be reduced to about 20 percent to have properly seasoned firewood.
  1. Characteristics

    • Beech is a densely grained wood that makes a good burning fire. Beech is difficult to split because of its denseness. However, it will dry much faster and more thoroughly when split.

    Slower Drying

    • The bark on a tree acts as a sealer, delaying the moisture from leaving unsplit wood. When branches under 4 inches are split for drying they then make good kindling wood.

    Time to Dry

    • Properly stacked under a dry shelter, beech takes about 12 months to fully season. Keeping a constant air circulation over the stacked wood with a large fan reduces the time to about 6 months. If the storage area is enclosed, adding even a small heat source further reduces the time to a few months.

    Poor Fire

    • If beech is not seasoned well the wood will burn poorly and with low heat. Wetter wood actually burns faster than dryer wood, so more wood is needed just to maintain a fire.