Home Garden

How to Check for a Lined Chimney

The chimney on a fireplace allows smoke to vent out of the home. Smoke rises through the flume and exits the top of the chimney. Modern chimneys often have liner installed on the inside of the flume to increase safety and function, as well as make cleaning the chimney flume easier. Liners are made of terra-cotta, stainless steel, aluminum or a combination of cement and volcanic pumice. There are three ways to check for a liner in a chimney.

Things You'll Need

  • Chimney manual
  • Flashlight
  • Video camera with mounted light
  • Rope
  • Ladder
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    • 1

      Read the chimney's manual. Certain pre-fabricated chimney flumes are lined. The manual will tell you if there is a liner.

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      Reach up into the chimney and feel if the inner walls are smooth or rough. Most liners create a smoother surface than the brick or cement used to build the chimney, though this isn't a sure-fire method since some liners are made of a cement mix.

    • 3

      Rig a home video camera with a rope and turn the light on. Climb a ladder and lower the video camera down to look at the wall. Shine a flashlight down to increase the lighting in the flume.