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How to Install Curved Wall Pavers With Steps

Curved pavers allow you to install a curved wall so you can follow the natural contours of your yard or garden. Before you install your own wall pavers and stairs, think about the path that you wish your wall to take. Install stakes in the yard that follow the desired path, then connect the stakes with ropes. Pretend that the wall has already been installed, and use your yard this way for a few days. If the placement of the future wall creates any inconvenience, move the wall according to your preferences.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Level
  • Gravel
  • Tamper
  • Construction adhesive
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    • 1

      Select the pavers for your wall and steps. Curved pavers usually have a narrow face in back and a wide face in front. The sides of curved pavers are, therefore, angled, and adjoining pavers will only sit flush with each other when the wall's arc curves to match the arc of the pavers. Curved pavers should only be used for steps if the steps themselves will be curved to match the arc of the paver. If the steps will be straight, then the pavers you select should also be straight. For these steps, you'll build a structure with straight steps and curved walls flanking both sides. You may adjust your project for your yard, with whatever arrangement of steps and walls that you prefer.

    • 2

      Dig a trench following the path of the wall and in the area of the steps. The trench should be as wide as the wall and steps, and 8 inches deep.

    • 3

      Fill the trench halfway with gravel. Tamp the gravel down with a tamper.

    • 4

      Lay the first row of pavers in the ground. Check the pavers with a level as you proceed down the trench. If the pavers need to be leveled at any point, place more gravel in the trench in the lower area.

    • 5

      Apply a bead of construction adhesive to the top of the pavers. If your wall and steps are longer than 8 feet, apply the bead of construction adhesive to segments of only 8 feet at one time.

    • 6

      Lay the second course of pavers on top of the first. The second course of pavers over the staircase should be flush with the front of the first course. Stagger the placement of the pavers.

    • 7

      Fill the area behind the first row of steps with gravel so the top of the gravel is flush with the top of the first step. Tamp the gravel with a tamper. If your paver wall is also meant to be a retaining wall, fill the space behind the wall with gravel as well.

    • 8

      Apply a bead of construction adhesive to the top of the staircase pavers, near the back of the first step. Lay the third course of pavers in the staircase so the front of the paver blocks overlap the rear of the second course of pavers, and the rear of the third course of pavers overlaps the gravel. The amount of overlap should depend on the width of the pavers. Set the third course of pavers back far enough so the exposed top of the second course is about 10 to 12 inches wide, an appropriate width for stairs. Check the pavers with a level.

    • 9

      Apply a bead of construction adhesive over the paver wall and install the third course of pavers in the wall. You'll need an extra paver on each side of the staircase where the wall meets the stairs, to close the space between the sides of the wall and the distance of the top step from the wall.

    • 10

      Fill in the space behind the steps with gravel, so the gravel is level with the top of the steps. Fill in the space behind the wall with gravel if it's a retaining wall.

    • 11

      Repeat steps 8 through 10, adding courses to the steps and the wall until they reach the appropriate height. Install soil over the last few inches of gravel, if your wall is a retaining wall.