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Flowserve Mechanical Seals Installation

These mechanical seals are used to connect pumps to pipes. They are most common in large pumping operations such as water treatment plants, but they can be used in any operation that pumps noncorrosive liquids. The seals are easy to install. They push onto the end of a pump shaft or plunger and are completely liquid-proof. They are locked in place with Allen nuts, and the nuts and the wrenches are usually included with the seals.

Things You'll Need

  • Silicone lubricant
  • Allen wrenches (optional)
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    • 1

      Disassemble the equipment in which you intend to install the new seals following the equipment manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the existing mechanical seal and compression packing.

    • 2

      Lubricate the shaft or sleeve lightly with silicone lubricant.

    • 3

      Slide the complete mechanical seal cartridge assembly on to the shaft or sleeve with the setting devices on the seal cartridge near the bearing housing.

    • 4

      Install the seal chamber and bolt it in place on the bearing frame using the nuts included with your seal and an adjustable wrench.

    • 5

      Position the mechanical seal against the seal chamber and turn the gland so that the flush tap is straight up and down. A gland is a kind of chamber used to seal reciprocating or rotating shafts such as pump shafts. Tighten the gland nuts with a 1/8-inch, 3/32-inch or 2/16-inch Allen wrench. All three wrenches are included with the seal and the size wrench you will use will depend on your application.

    • 6

      Assemble the pump and, with the pump in its final operating position, tighten all the set screws with one of the three Allen wrenches included with your seal.

    • 7

      Remove the setting devices from the drive collar. Turn the shaft by hand before operating to ensure unobstructed operation.