Home Garden

How to: Off Grid Power

Many people today are choosing not to use the common electrical grid in order to decrease their carbon footprint on society and to live in a more natural state. Living "off the grid" does not just mean living on solar power. Living off the grid starts with making changes to your home or even purchasing a better piece of property from which to live this lifetyle.


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      Plant a garden or fields of crops in order to grow your own food. Ideally, choose a rural area in which to live because of the expanse of land that you can use to grow food. Visit your local farmers markets and purchase only locally grown produce. Visit your local butcher and purchase only local and/or organic meats. Can your own fruits, vegetables, pickled items and jam.

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      Trade in your gasoline- or diesel-powered vehicle for a hybrid vehicle. Hybrid vehicles can run on an electric charge, which can be obtained through your green method of electricity when it is charged from your home.

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      Reuse and recycle anything you can. For example, leftover vegetables, eggshells, and coffee grinds can be used as compost for your garden. Trees that have been cut down to make room for your home can be chopped up and used for firewood. Leftover meat products can be used to feed omnivorous or carnivorous animals such as pigs, dogs or cats.

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      Cut down on water consumption, especially if you have to use water from the city. Rural areas can use well water, but it still takes electricity to heat water for cooking, washing dishes and clothes and showering.

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      Replace electrical power with a green version of power such as solar power, hydro power or wind-generated power. If you are building a new home, implement these forms of power into the building plans.