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Renewable Resource Devices

There are a variety of renewable resource devices which can provide electricity for both remote and "on-grid" homes and businesses. With the current advances and availability of solar, wind, water and human generated power systems it is absurd to say that we are having an energy crisis. Enough solar energy strikes the sunlit side of the Earth each day to power the entire globe for 27 years; it is far more accurate to say that we have a fossil fuel crisis. There are many renewable power systems that will provide free, clean electricity of we would only use them.
  1. Solar Power Systems

    • Solar power systems were fragile, clunky, expensive and not very efficient many years ago; however, current solar systems are affordable and highly efficient. Solar panel systems can be used to power an entire building, single rooms or even portable electrical generators. A variety of generator systems that would power a single room can be built quite easily for around $300. Even in small ways, solar power can save us money and resources. Recent improvements in solar technology have made it affordable and practical to use small solar powered devices such as radios, flashlights and stoves.

    Wind Turbine Systems

    • Wind turbine systems have also vastly improved in recent years, becoming a practical option for home use. Like solar, wind turbine generators can augment an "on-grid" power system or be built as a large scale system to power remote locations.

    Water Wheel Systems

    • Water wheel systems will generate power 24 hours a day unlike solar and wind systems which are limited to certain functional periods. If you have access to a moving body of water on your property, consider this efficient power option.

    Human Powered Pedal and Crank Systems

    • Tying a pedal or crank system into your solar, wind or water powered generator as a back up is a great idea. In cases of extended bad weather or lack of wind, you can still power your home or portable power system. Human powered cranks systems are as readily available and affordable as the more well known solar, wind, and water systems. All of these systems generate DC electricity and must have a deep cycle battery bank to collect and utilize the power generated by your renewable green system.

    Ambient Vibration Systems

    • Using a particular circuit arrangement with antennas you can actually collect and utilize broadcast waves for electricity. Radio waves and other broadcast signals carry a minute charge that can be harvested and stored in a battery bank and turned into usable electricity.

    Hydrogen Generator Systems

    • An emerging technology involving water electrolysis to produce hydrogen can be utilized in gasoline engines such as cars or made to fuel generators or devices which run on propane or natural gas. Project books and guides on this type of technology are available at libraries, booksellers and download locations.