Home Garden

How to Use Solar Power in Third World Countries

Electricity is in short supply in Third World countries, where residents traditionally work or study by the light of candles or kerosene lamps, wash in water hauled from the local well, and cook over an open wood fire. Solar power can change all that. In countries where direct sunlight is plentiful, equipment can be made cheaply that will tap into the sun's ongoing renewable energy and provide light and power to water pump and heating facilities as well as homes.

Things You'll Need

  • Solar photovoltaic panels
  • Car or gel batteries
  • Outdoor solar garden lights
  • Water pump
  • 1,000 feet of black landscape tubing
  • Garden hosepipe
  • Black wooden or plastic panel
  • Box with wooden sides and clear solid plastic lid
  • Taps and fittings
  • Two cardboard boxes of different sizes
  • Aluminum foil
  • Old newspaper
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    • 1

      Install solar photovoltaic collector panels close to the home that needs the power supply. Mount them on an unshaded part of the roof or on the ground, at an angle between 15 and 40 degrees facing the direction of the midday sun. Link the collectors to a bank of batteries through an inverter which will convert the energy into electricity and recharge the batteries.

    • 2

      To light up the home, plug indoor lamps and appliances such as radios and television sets into the battery power source. For outdoor lighting, install freestanding lights with self-contained solar cells. The cells draw power during the daylight hours which is retained for up to eight hours of darkness during which the lights operate independently.

    • 3

      To automate the water supply to the dwelling, use the solar electricity produced by the panels to power a basic pump. The pump will bring water up from the well and circulate it through a storage tank. The tank may also collect rainwater and will supply the home using a hosepipe and a basic freestanding tap.

    • 4

      Make a basic solar heater to warm the water, using lengths of black landscaping tubing. Mount the tubing on a black painted board or plastic sheet, covered by a wooden box with a clear solid plastic lid. Position this either flat or at an angle of 15 degrees facing the sunlight. Connect a hose from the water supply to the tubing and provide an outlet tap from the length of tubes to use the water that has been warmed inside.

    • 5

      Make a solar box cooker from two cardboard boxes by positioning a smaller box positioned inside a larger one with the surrounding space filled with crumpled newspaper. Line the inside of the smaller box with aluminum foil and the base with black paper to absorb the heat. Make a reflector by covering a sheet of cardboard with foil and positioning it over the box at an angle with the foil facing into the box to direct the sun's heat at the cooking area.