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Do-it-Yourself Home Automation Links

Home automation is the process of automating housework and daily home functions. It is a broad topic that is often mentioned when discussing smart homes and energy-efficient buildings. The functions range from lighting controls, motion detectors, heat and air conditioning automation, home entertainment systems, and controlling homes and gardens via the Internet. Most companies offer home automation guidelines and installation manuals for their systems; some companies offer free training as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Internet connection
  • PDF reader software installed
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      Visit the smarthome.com Web site at "http://www.smarthome.com/_/index.aspx". This site will show you the latest technologies available as well as installation manuals and starter guides. In the manuals, there are plenty of explanations on how the technology works and how to best use it. For example, if there is a special interest in the new Fully Supervised Wireless Alarm Control System with Partitioning, go to the link for that product at the smarthome.com Web site, and click on the product "http://www.smarthome.com/73903P/Smarthome-SecureLinc-2-Wireless-Home-Security-System/p.aspx." Then scroll down to see three PDF files: "Owners Manual," "Installation Guide," and "Quick Start Guide" as well as the software needed, the wireless accessories supported, and an overview of the device capabilities.

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      Go to "http://home-automation.org/". This is also one of the most extensive dedicated Web sites for home automation. There is a full category structure in the left column that includes examples, home ideas, networking, outdoor lighting, hardware information, security systems, and power monitoring. Everything has a detailed explanation.

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      Try "http://www.google.com/search?q=home+automation&tbm=bks&tbo=1&oq=home+au". This site allows you to browse hundreds of books for home automation subjects, do-it-yourself jobs, and step-by-step procedures. You can also search "http://www.google.com" for video tutorials. Many companies have demonstrations for their products on Google Videos.

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      Visit the Leviton Home Automation Learning Center at "http://www.leviton.com/OA_HTML/ibeCCtpSctDspRte.jsp?section=16469&minisite=10024". This site provides full libraries for home automation as well as hands-on training. The Web site requires free registration. Inside the learning center, you will find animations, instructional videos, and pdf easily printable step-by-step instructions.