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New Insulation Methods for Green Building

There is no question about it: "Green" is the buzzword of the 21st century. New products ranging from hybrid cars to solar-powered appliances help generate a more eco-friendly and eco-responsible culture, but green building is one of the most ambitious undertakings to come up in the last few years. Sustainable building calls for the efficient use of resources, and some new insulation methods for green building are in line with this philosophy.
  1. Spray Cellulose Insulation

    • Among a number of popular green insulation materials is spray cellulose, which is made from recycled newspaper. This material can be purchased in large bags from an insulation company. This insulation method is relatively easy. The cellulose is sprayed between inner and outer walls through a high-pressure hose. Spray cellulose is especially effective, because it can be packed in very tightly.

    Blue Jean Insulation

    • You can fix up your own insulation with old pairs of blue jeans. Not only are you helping the environment by recycling, you are also saving money. The strips of denim should be packed as tightly as possible in the wall cavity. This method has proven to be effective for the high temperatures of summer and the lows of winter. Blue jean insulation is one of the best insulation methods for people who want to rely solely on their own resources rather than buying outside products.

    Cementitious Foam

    • Cementitious foam can serve as insulation for your green building. Installation must be done by professionals, but once it is done, you'll have energy-efficient insulation that is fireproof and is not susceptible to common home-invading insects. Installing cementitious foam should not be attempted by an amateur, as this material is easy to mess up. Because there is a good deal of water in this foam, it will need time to thoroughly dry. If it dries too fast, damage can occur. Professionals should install this delicate material.


    • Rockwool is one of the increasingly common green insulation materials. It owes its popularity to the fact that it is effective, eco-friendly, and fireproof. Rockwool is blown in between interior and exterior walls with a hose. It fills all of the small spaces, ensuring that your home is always well insulated. This form of insulation should be installed by a professional, because equipment that most people don't have will be needed. Rockwool is principally made of steel slag, which is usually recycled.