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Energy Star Rated LED Lights

The LED (light-emitting diode) is a small light source that is illuminated by the movement of electrons through semiconductor material. LED light bulbs are not new, but in the past they were low-powered and used in very limited applications, such as a computer's green power light or an Exit sign. The quality of LED lights has been sufficiently improved and can now be used as the main source of lighting. However, for LED lights to receive an Energy Star rating, they must meet several requirements for performance and efficiency.
  1. Rating Requirements

    • To be be rated as Energy Star compliant, LED lights are required to pass a battery of tests to prove they display certain characteristics. Brightness of the LED bulbs must be equal to or greater than current technology and the light must be well distributed. Lighting output must remain constant and only decrease at the end of the lifetime of the bulb. Color quality must be excellent. Efficiency needs to be equal to or better than fluorescent lighting. Light should come on instantly and there should be no flicker when it is dimmed. Additionally, there should be no off-state power draw, according to the Energy Star website.


    • LEDs are part of the lighting technology known as solid-state lighting (SSL). According to the Energy Star website, this has the potential to revolutionize lighting. Compared to fluorescent and incandescent lights, LED lights are more durable, efficient, versatile and longer lasting. Light is emitted in a specific direction and heat from the LED light is released backwards into a heat sink, leaving the LED light basically cool if touched.

    Energy Efficiency

    • LED lights that are Energy Star qualified use approximately 75 percent less energy than incandescent lights. According to the Energy Star website, estimates by the U.S. Department of Energy indicate that the immediate use of LED lights over the next 20 years will save about $265 billion dollars, eliminate the need for 40 new power plants and reduce lighting demand in 2027 by 33 percent.

    Energy Savings

    • LED lights use 10 watts of electrical energy while putting out the equivalent of a 100-watt bulb. In addition to using less energy, LEDs emit much less heat and assist in reducing cooling costs. By comparison, an incandescent bulb usually wastes 98 percent of its energy because it produces too much heat.

    Initial Costs

    • LED bulbs cost more than what the public is used to paying for light bulbs. Depending on the brand, an LED bulb can range between $6 and $10. Buying more than one at a time can offer a price reduction. While the initial cost may be a drawback, the LED offers a much longer life span and uses much less energy, offering savings in the long run. To assure the LED bulbs perform well, choose Energy Star-qualified fixtures.