Home Garden

Clean Energy Ideas & Solar Panels

Going green is a hot topic especially because of rising energy costs. Reducing a home's energy usage not only minimizes a families carbon footprint but saves money too. As of this writing in 2011 there are incentives from the federal government in the form of tax credits to make energy improvements, making it a good time to start thinking about clean energy ideas for your house.
  1. Power Correctors

    • Power correctors allow the inductive motors in a home to run more efficiently. A power corrector is basically a capacitor, which stores a charge of electrical energy. When an inductive motor is turned on in the home such as a fan, it requires a surge of electricity to get going. With a power corrector, the surge of electricity is taken from the corrector instead of the power grid.

    Solar Thermal Systems

    • Hot water heaters are one of the most energy intensive appliances in a home. Hot water heaters run 24 hours per day, seven days per week in order to heat and maintain water for a home. An alternative to this is a solar hot water heater. A solar hot water heater heats water via a collector panel mounted on the roof.

    Solar Photovoltaic Systems

    • Solar photovoltaic systems are growing in popularity and demand with the ever rising increase in energy prices. Currently, a solar panel will produce around 230 watts of energy. Multiple panels with a southerly orientation for maximum exposure mounted on your roof will help offset much of the on-peak electrical demand your home appliances need.

    Radiant Barrier

    • Radiant barrier was developed for use on space stations and vehicles. Radiant barrier is a Mylar-based foil material that reflects radiant energy. For a home to get the best use of this barrier, many homeowners install it in the attic to prevent radiant energy from breaching the ceiling. This simple yet effective green energy solution makes a big difference as air conditioners and heaters will have an easier time of maintaining a homes internal temperature.