Home Garden

How to Get Off the Grid in One Week

In order to save electricity and money, and to lessen their carbon footprint, many people are moving off grid. Going off the grid means eliminating your need for public utilities and living a self-sufficient life. While a few people move to a hunting-gathering lifestyle, many of the people who live off grid maintain normal jobs, shop at grocery stores and drive cars. Match your level of self-sufficiency to your level of comfort.

Things You'll Need

  • Solar-powered lights
  • Candles
  • Icebox
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    • 1

      Set up solar panels for your house. You can usually do this within a week's time, but it can require an investment of as much as $20,000. Alternatively, you can use wind power, generators or even choose to use no source of electric power.

    • 2

      Change your daily routine to conserve electricity. Often, solar power cannot provide the same level of electricity you are accustomed to. If you prefer no alternative energy, then change your daily routine to fit that as well. Some examples of energy-conserving activities include connecting to the Internet in local libraries, instead of at home; letting your hair air dry; ridding your house of electrical cooking appliances; and only using lights when absolutely necessary. Also, unplug any appliances when not in use.

    • 3

      Setup solar-powered lights in windows during the day, spreading them around the house in the evening for safety.

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      Contact a contractor to setup a well on your property to take care of water needs. If you cannot create a well within a week, purchase your water from a grocery store. If you prefer, use more primitive methods of obtaining water, such as setting up a rain catcher.

    • 5

      Build an out house and an outdoor shower, if you cannot attach well water to your house.

      Moving bathrooms outside can cause certain complications, such as finding your way in the dark, but it opens up additional room inside your residence.

    • 6

      Buy candles to replace electric lighting, a wood-burning stove, grill, or setup a fire pit to replace electric and gas stoves. Buy an ice box for frozen goods.