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How to Set PID Values to Hold a Set Temperature

A proportional--integral--derivative (PID) controller is the most common type of temperature controller. It monitors the differences in temperature and attempts to reduce these differences by supplying or removing heat. The PID uses an algorithm to determine the correct parameters by determining the current state and adjusting for it.

Things You'll Need

  • PID controller
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    • 1

      Determine the temperature the you would like the PID to be set to. Many environments require room temperature, however some need a specific temperature to enhance manufacturing or scientific experimentation.

    • 2

      Use the formula to find the error in the PID, which is the divergence from the temperature desired; the formula for error equals the set-point minus measurement.

      (error) = (set-point) - (measurement)

      Set point is the desired temperature and measurement is the observed temperature.

    • 3

      Find each value corresponding to the letters PID. P stands for proportional band and the formula is:

      (controller output) = (error)*100/(proportional band)

    • 4

      Find the values for I and D where I is the integral of the controller output and D is the derivative of controller output.

    • 5

      Enter the values for P, I and D into the controller to set the temperature.