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How to Convert an Evaporative Cooler to Solar

An evaporative cooler is an ideal piece of home-cooling equipment for living spaces located in hot, dry climates with low humidity. It works by drawing hot air from the outside and passing it through pads soaked with water. A blower motor then directs the cooled, wet air into the living space. The setup is less costly to run than typical air conditioning systems. It is possible to convert an evaporative cooler to run off of solar energy and be entirely self-sufficient.

Things You'll Need

  • Old evaporative cooler
  • 12-volt car radiator fan
  • 12-volt bilge pump
  • Solar panel
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Wiring
  • Flex tubing
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      Use an old evaporative cooler, preferably one that is in good working order.

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      Remove the existing pump and motor. The cooler pads, water trough, float valve, water distribution system and squirrel cage can all be integrated into the new solar schematic.

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      Purchase an electric 12-volt car radiator fan from a local auto parts store and a 12-volt bilge pump from a local hardware store. It may be cheaper to source these parts via the Internet.

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      Calculate the amp-pull of these parts, and make sure you have a solar panel that can deal with the overall load. At full tilt, the fan will pull 5.5 amps while the pump will pull approximately 1.5 amps at 12 volts. A 100-watt solar panel will deal with this kind of load comfortably.

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      Remove the front cover of the cooler and mount the fan inside the cover. You may have to cut holes in the existing housing to fit the fan. Make sure you hook up the fan so that it blows air in the right direction.

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      Secure the fan with appropriate screws and fittings. Refit the cover back onto the main housing, and connect wiring to the existing switch control.

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      Place the bilge pump into the water trough, connect to existing water distribution system and hook up wiring to the switch control.

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      Run negative and positive wiring down from your solar panel. To make your task easier, locate your panel close to the cooler and use flex tubing to house the wiring. Run the negative wire through a common ground before connecting to the fan and pump. Connect the positive wiring to the existing switches that control both fan and pump.