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How to Plot the Path of the Sun by Hand

Plotting the path of the sun by hand will not give you definitive and accurate results, but it will help you to understand the path the sun follows at your particular location. As seasons change, so does the path the sun follows across the sky at your location, so measurements will need to be taken throughout the year to determine the changes which occur with the seasons. To take even more accurate measurements consider using a protractor or solar pathfinder to increase accuracy.

Things You'll Need

  • Chalk
  • Protractor and spirit level (optional)
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    • 1

      Select a location where you want to measure the sun's path. This should be an unshaded area, and one marked so you can find it again every hour.

    • 2

      Go to your marked spot at dawn and draw a line using your chalk between you and the sun, about 1 yard long.

    • 3

      Try to estimate the amount of inclination the sun is making at your location in degrees by using a protractor kept level with a spirit level. Write this value down beside the line you drew, as well as the time the measurement is taken.

    • 4

      Repeat this step every hour, on the hour, until dusk.

    • 5

      Plot the suns path, using your recordings on a piece of paper that includes known landmarks. This will help you understand the path the sun makes in relation to known objects at your location. Repeat these measurements every month to determine changes throughout the seasons.