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Cooling Tower Tutorial

Cooling towers cool water and air in homes and businesses. Some of the largest cooling towers in the world cool water used in nuclear reactors. The principle behind cooling towers is simple: Hot air and water rise, while cool air and water fall. Homes in desert communities now use cooling towers as low-cost, energy efficient alternatives to air conditioning. The home also needs an additional vent for the hot air. This creates a cycle in which cool air from the tower falls into the home and hot air from the home rises out of the house through the vent.

Things You'll Need

  • Tower material
  • Insulation
  • 40 fine-mist heads
  • 1/4-inch plastic tubing, 80 feet
  • Epoxy
  • Eight 5-way tube splitters
  • Caulk
  • Two 4-way splitters
  • 2-way splitter
  • Hose, length depend on the height of your tower.
  • Water valve
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    • 1

      Build your tower out of the material for your home. You want the exterior of your tower to coordinate with the rest of your home. The interior of the tower must be waterproof and should be 3 to 4 feet in diameter. Your tower must rise 8 to 10 feet above the highest point of your house to take advantage of cross breeze. The tower must also have a roof on the top to prevent rain from falling into the house. A mesh screen across the top allows air to reach the tower, but prevents animals from climbing into your home.

    • 2

      Cut 30 2-foot sections of hose. Fix the fine-mist head to one end of the tube with epoxy around the outside of the misting head. Attach five hoses to each of the five-way splitters. Use a dot of caulk to seal the hose to the splitter

    • 3

      Epoxy two splitters to each of the inside walls of your tower just below the top. Glue the mist heads so that they spray into the center of the tower. Stagger the heads so that they are not spraying directly at each other.

    • 4

      Epoxy the two four-way splitters below the misting heads. Cut hose lengths to attach the splitters together. Cut addition hoses to attach the two four-way splitters to a single dual splitter. Epoxy the dual splitter to one side of the tower. Attach a tube from the dual splitter to the water valve on the floor level. Seal all the hose joints with caulk.

    • 5

      Turn on the water. The fine mist evaporates in the airflow, cooling the air. The cool air falls down the tower into the home.