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Brush Vs. Spray Asphalt Sealer

Typically, a driveway is paved with asphalt. Subsequently, the surface is then secured with a top coat, or sealer. There are various application techniques for the sealer, including brushing and spraying.
  1. Function

    • Asphalt is a sticky substance made of various sands and gravels to form a flat, solid roadway. The sealer acts as the protector of the surface from cracks and the weather elements.


    • Contractors can seal asphalt by brushing or spraying the sealer on. By brushing it on, the thickness achieved may be uneven, resulting in a difficult cure over time and an overall slicker surface. On the other hand, spraying allows the sealer to be spread out in a uniform fashion, making it cure faster.


    • Inevitably, brushing the sealer on leaves brush marks and an unwanted appearance that is permanent. The only recommended time to use sealers with a brush is to fill in any tiny, spider cracks the asphalt exhibits.