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How to Remove Street Ice

Street ice that accumulates in driveways, sidewalks and streets can be both a nuisance and a danger during winter months. Icy buildups can usually be prevented by vigilantly checking the perimeters of your house and clearing away any ice with hot water and a shovel. However, if you do wake to find the ice has taken over, there are some effective measures you can take.

Things You'll Need

  • Rock salt
  • Ice melter
  • Ice chopper
  • Shovel
  • Sand
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      Sprinkle rock salt on street or driveway areas affected by ice or as a preventative measure. Rock salt erodes the ice and lowers the freezing point of water, making it more difficult for water to turn back into ice once it has broken down.

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      Apply a commercial ice melter. The main active ingredient in ice melters is salt mixed with varying levels of calcium chloride and magnesium chloride. Ice melts break down layers of ice turning them into slush which can be cleared away with a shovel. However, the more ice that melts, the more the salt content is diluted, meaning it becomes less effective after a few layers of ice. Ice melters are also less effective at temperatures well below zero.

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      Hit the ice in your driveway or street with an ice chopper. These are heavy duty instruments constructed from steel with a narrow blade at the tip. The sharpness of the blade makes an incision on the ice and the weight of the metal helps to drive it through and break up icy buildups. Ice debris can them be remove with a shovel.

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      Apply sand to the ice in your driveway. Sand does not melt or breakdown ice. However, it will increase safety around the perimeter of your home as it significantly increases traction meaning you can walk on the ice and drive your car across it much easier. Sand is an effective temporary measure to take when temperatures fall significantly below zero as many ice melters are ineffectual at these temperatures.