Home Garden

Driveway Solutions: Grass Pavers

Studded with ground cover, grass pavers literally add a touch of green to driveway surfaces. Grass pavers also offer environmentally "green" benefits. They are permeable, or porous, and encourage moisture to trickle to their underlying substrates. Installed over a proper base, grass pavers facilitate proper drainage and contribute to healthy soils. With an overview of grass paver types and installation requirements, you can determine if permeable pavement is right for your driveway.
  1. Individual Grass Pavers

    • Usually small, square or polygonal concrete bricks, individual grass pavers resemble standard, interlocking concrete pavers. However, while standard pavers abut one another at all edges, individual grass pavers are separated by concealed spacers or touch along only a portion of adjacent edges. Homeowners may fill the voids between individual grass pavers with pea gravel, soil and grass or ground cover.

    Lattice Paver Units

    • Commonly greater than 12 inches square, lattice paver units are significantly larger than individual grass pavers. Lattice paver units resemble the criss-crossed wood or vinyl lattice that covers patio roofs or privacy fences. However, lattice paver units are thick and cast from concrete. Laid like stepping stones or driveway pavers, lattice pavers join to create a checkered grid of concrete strips and voids. Homeowners may fill lattice pavers' voids with either gravel and soil and grass or ground cover. Variations of concrete lattice pavers include checkerboard-pattern concrete grids.

    Plastic Grids

    • Sold in sheets or rolls, plastic grids' square or diamond-shaped openings resemble wire mesh or welded wire fencing. Although weaker than concrete materials, plastic grids effectively prevent erosion and allow homeowners to spread grass or ground cover seed across a driveway's surface. Notably, plastic grids are suitable for installation over both flat and uneven surfaces.

    Ribbon Slabs

    • Ribbon-slab driveway construction is a heavy-duty alternative to individual pavers, lattice units or plastic grids. A ribbon slab driveway consists of two or more narrow, separated concrete slabs. The slabs run the length of the driveway with voids of soil in between. In a dual-ribbon driveway, the slabs are spaced to accommodate the average distance between vehicle wheels. In a triple-ribbon driveway, a center slabs runs between the load-supporting slabs. Although poured concrete is the most common material for ribbons, homeowners can use individual grass pavers or lattice units instead.