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How do I Make Retractable Pocket Doors?

Pocket doors retract into the walls, either on one side for a single door or on both sides for a double pocket door. Pocket doors save space since the area swept by a swinging door can then be used, freeing up about eight square feet of space. Generally a kit is used for the frame, track, hangers, door handle and latch because purchasing these items separately is difficult and expensive. The existing door or other used door can often be re-used or a new one of the appropriate size and style can be purchased.

Things You'll Need

  • Pocket door kit
  • Door
  • Framing lumber
  • Sheetrock
  • Door trim
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    • 1

      Check the wall into which the pocket door will retract for electrical fixtures, plumbing and whether it is load bearing. If there are electrical fixtures on the wall, they would have to be moved. If there are plumbing fixtures in a room above the wall, there may be pipes in the wall and they will have to be relocated. If there is a beam over the top of the existing door, the wall is probably load bearing and the ceiling will have to be supported on both sides of the wall while a new beam is installed across the new opening.

    • 2

      Remove the existing door and wall to create a new opening about twice the size of the existing door. Sometimes the sheetrock on one side of the wall can be saved or even left in place, reducing finishing work later. Frame the new opening with lumber matching that used in the wall. The pocket door kit will have instructions as to the exact dimensions required.

    • 3

      Install the pocket door frame from the kit. Shim to make sure everything is plumb, square and straight. Use the fasteners which come with the kit to mount the frame securely in place and mount the door support beam with the track across the top of the new opening. Install the door bumper at the end of the opening which will be inside the wall.

    • 4

      Paint, finish and mount the door. Install the rolling hardware which came with the kit at the top of the door. Install the door handle and the security lock which came with the kit. Slip the rollers onto the track and adjust the door for height and position.

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      Re-finish the walls. Mount, tape and plaster sheetrock to close in the frame of the pocket door. Make sure the sheetrock screws used are the right size so that they don't protrude into the pocket where the door has to move back and forth. Install the door guides which came with the kit at the bottom of the door opening. Mount the door trim around the door.