Home Garden

How to Align Door Hinges

Many types of doors open and close using hinges. If you look closely at a hinge, you will notice that it comes in two parts. One part is attached to the door and the other part is attached to the door jamb, cupboard wall, etc. There is then a pin placed through the rings of the hinge to hold the two parts together. For this pin to work, the two parts of the hinge need to be lined up properly.


    • 1

      Lift the door off the ground. You will need to lift it high enough that each hinge half is at the same height as its corresponding half.

    • 2

      Place the loops of the hinge on the door half into the openings of the hinge on the other half. The loops should alternate.

    • 3

      Slide the hinge pin into the hole at the top of the hinge. If the hinges are lined up correctly the pin should slide in easily. If the pin meets resistance, double check that all the hinge holes are lined up.