Home Garden

The Advantages & Disadvantages of Rotary Doors

Rotary doors are most common in commercial and office buildings. But the idea of installing a rotary door in your home should be considered. There are both advantages and disadvantages to having a rotary door as your primary entrance. You'll need to weigh your options before making a final decision.
  1. Saves Energy

    • A rotary door can nearly eliminate the ability for heat to escape a building and increase that building's energy efficiency. When you use a rotary door, you push the door open into a threshold that seals the doorway completely as the door spins. This prevents warm, or cold, air from escaping the building and helps to save money on energy bills. It is an improvement over the hinged door that allows energy to escape the building every time the door is opened.


    • Rotary doors are designed to safely allow one person at a time to enter a building. You can use automatic rotary doors that revolve at a gradual pace using an electronic motor. This prevents people from sneaking into a building by trailing in behind someone who would normally be allowed access. You can put surveillance cameras in your rotary door threshold to monitor who enters and leaves the building for added security.

    Improper Use

    • Anyone who enters a building understands the concept of opening and closing a hinged door. But some people look at rotary doors as novelties and prefer to use the doors in dangerous ways. People could purposely hurt others that are entering or leaving the building simply by manipulating the rotary door.

    Emergency Evacuation

    • Because rotary doors can be entered by only one person at a time, it makes them impractical ways of evacuating a building. Even if you install rotary doors to take advantage of the energy savings or security features, you will still need to install hinged doors to allow for a safe emergency evacuation of the building.